
Why choose Isep?

  • A school that encourages diversity

    and adapts to all types of students.

  • An active student life

    with more than 30 associations and clubs.

  • Innovative small-group teaching

    focused on project-based learning, combining theory and practice.

  • Opening opportunities

    the engineering basics are enriched by humanities courses (economics, ecological transition, ethics, languages, etc.), and entrepreneurship is supported by our incubator.

  • A personalised curriculum

    choose the International Integrated Cycle (CII) or complete the engineering program with or without an apprenticeship.

  • A major international presence, with a selection of 160 overseas universities

    as well as an exclusive partnership with Stanford University and programmes taught 100% in English.

  • An all-round education covering all areas of digital technology

    IT systems, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Connected Objects, Embedded Systems, etc.

  • Campuses located in the heart of Paris and in Issy-les-Moulineaux

    close to Tech companies.

  • Guaranteed professional employment

    in an exciting career with meaningful tasks.

  • A Top 10 digital engineering school

    recognised for the excellence of its teaching, established in 1955 as part of the Catholic University of Paris.

Start of the Academic Year

  • Do I need any supplies for the start of classes?

    Anything that allows for handwritten note-taking. The use of laptops or tablets is prohibited unless authorized by the instructor for a specific course or subject.
    If you wish to invest in a PC, we recommend the following specifications:

    • Webcam, Wi-Fi, microphone/speaker (required)
    • Ethernet (or USB Ethernet connector)
    • Windows 11
    • Recommended configuration for installing all necessary software:
      • Processor: Core i7
      • Disk space: 512 GB, SSD recommended
      • RAM: 16 GB

    Office 365 and Teams are available free of charge for ISEP students, along with required software (programming languages, Matlab, etc.).
    Brand and model are up to you, but products from well-known brands tend to be more durable.

  • Are there any revisions to do before starting classes?

    We encourage you to review the scientific subjects.

  • What is the start time on the first day?

    An email with specific information will be sent to each student 2 to 3 days before the start date. The email will be sent to the address registered in their personal Weberp account.

  • When will the schedules be available?

    Schedules will be provided on the first day of classes.


  • What is the course schedule volume?
    Classes usually take place from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

    For the CII: Practical sessions may be scheduled on Saturdays.

    In the Engineering Cycle: Most classes are scheduled between 8:30 am and 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday, totaling around 25 hours per week. Some classes may take place from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Thursday afternoons are reserved for associative and sports activities.

  • What languages are taught at Isep?

    English – Spanish – German – Chinese – Japanese

    Availability depends on enrollment numbers.

    For international students, French as a Foreign Language courses are offered.

  • Where do classes take place?
    In the CII program: Classes take place in Paris and on the Issy-les-Moulineaux campus.

    In the Engineering Cycle: Technical classes are primarily held on the Issy-les-Moulineaux campus; language, cultural studies, and management courses may take place on either campus.

Preparatory Classes

  • What are the differences between the 3 options in the CII program?

    CII, Digital Sciences Option:
    The general CII program is offered in French (except for the semester abroad) or in English. It covers all areas of digital technology: electronics, computer science, signal processing, and robotics. Both the French-speaking and English-speaking CII cohorts consist of students from various countries with a good level of English (students must be able to understand courses taught exclusively in English) and, of course, strong scientific skills.

    CII, Digital Economy and Finance Option:
    This option is open to students with two science specialties or one science specialty (Scientific + non-scientific specialty). Courses are taught in French and include specific courses in economics.

    CII, Data Science Option:
    This option is also open to students with two science specialties or one science specialty (Scientific + non-scientific specialty). The program includes specific training in data sciences, covering aspects such as storage (databases), data manipulation, visualization, interpretation, and artificial intelligence.

    All CII options lead to the same Isep engineering degree, with the same choice between student and apprenticeship status in the engineering cycle, as selected by the student. Classes are conducted in groups of 30 students, with projects completed in teams of 6 students.

    For students experiencing difficulties, support courses are offered in mathematics, physics, and study methodologies.

  • What are the destinations for the semester abroad in the CII program?

    Students can choose from the following destinations: Czech Republic, Finland, Latvia, Wales, South Korea, Belgium, Tunisia, Canada.

    The list of destinations is updated each year.

Engineering Cycle

  • What programs are offered?

    After a first “core” year, the foundation of Isep’s training, the curriculum in the second year of the engineering cycle (Bac+4) offers customized pathways that cater to rapidly growing professions, meeting the needs of companies in digital technology.

    Each student is free to choose a pathway from the five offered, but they may also design a new, coherent pathway aligned with a well-defined career plan, subject to approval.

    The five pathways offered are:

    • Data intelligence
    • Software Engineering
    • Wireless telecommunication and IoT systems
    • Digital Security and Network Engineer
    • Embedded Systems 

Student Life

  • I need to prove my student status; how do I do that?

    To do this, once your enrollment is complete, simply go to your personal platform (Weberp) and download your enrollment certificate.

  • I have a disability; who should I inform at Isep?

    The Isep buildings are accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM).

    You can contact Isep’s disability coordinator at:

  • Is there a student and associative life?

    Isep is known for its rich and diverse associative life. Find all of Isep’s associations in the Alpha booklet!

  • Is there a library at Isep? Where can students study during their free time?

    No, there is no library at Isep. However, students can go to various libraries near Isep or their place of residence.

    During their free time, students can study within Isep, in classrooms, student lounges, or open workspaces.

  • What housing options do you offer?

    Isep offers a housing service that provides personalized assistance.

    Upon admission, students receive access codes to an application containing lists of available accommodations.

    Isep students benefit from special advantages through partnerships with student residences (La Salle Saint Nicolas, CROUS).

    We also maintain a database of over 300 private accommodations, regularly updated.

    For any questions, you can reach us at

  • Is there a dining area at Isep?

    On the Paris (NDC) and Issy-les-Moulineaux (NDL) campuses, students have access to several microwaves to heat their meals, which they can enjoy in the student lounge. There are also various take-out options near Isep’s campuses. The Isep welcome guide provides more details on nearby dining options.

    Students can also eat at CROUS facilities with their enrollment certificate or student ID. (For instance, the Port Royal university restaurant is less than a 15-minute walk from NDC.)


  • How will I be assessed?
    For the preparatory classes, assessment is conducted through continuous evaluation.

    Consistent work is the key to your success.

    For the engineering cycle, assessment includes numerous projects (in teams or individually) and, of course, hands-on experience in a company (through internships or apprenticeships).

  • Is it possible to have a delayed start at Isep?

    Unfortunately, Isep does not yet offer a delayed start.

  • How does the enrollment process work?

    Enrollment is completed entirely online. Once your application is accepted, you will receive login credentials to access the Weberp platform. You must then carefully follow the procedure outlined. There’s no need to email the administration; everything is handled on your personal Weberp platform.

  • What is the amount of the tuition fees?

    CPA: €3,525/year (lump sum payment) or €3,600/year (in 6 installments)
    Optional second language: €418.

    CII: €8,922/year (lump sum payment) or €9,120/year (in 6 installments). These amounts include tuition fees for the semester abroad (travel and accommodation costs are the student’s responsibility).

    Engineering Cycle: €9,963/year (lump sum payment) or €10,200/year (in 6 installments)

    Bachelor: €7,800/year (lump sum payment) or €7,956/year (in 6 installments). The second and third years are in an apprenticeship format, so tuition fees are covered by the company.

You can ask your question through our form.

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